Home Article - Captain in the Service Orchestra

Article - Captain in the Service Orchestra

I am thrilled to announce that I am writing my first article for the German magazine, “windows .developer”. The article, titled “Captain in the Service Orchestra”, was published in the December 2020 issue of the magazine. I had the pleasure of co-authoring this piece with Microsoft MVP Marc Müller. The article even made it on the cover page of the magazine.

The article is available online, but please note that it is in German and requires a subscription to access.

windows developer 12 20

Below, you’ll find the article’s introduction in English and German:

Container technologies like Docker have gained significant traction in the Microsoft technology landscape in recent years. Containers offer numerous advantages in terms of isolation, dependency management, and application runtime environment. However, for professional service operation, an additional tool is needed to support load balancing, service discovery, storage management, and fault tolerance. Kubernetes has emerged as the leading container orchestrator in addressing these needs. This article demonstrates what steps ASP.NET Core developers need to take to run their applications in Kubernetes.

Containertechnologien wie Docker haben sich in den letzten Jahren auch im Microsoft-Technologieumfeld stark etabliert. Ein Container bietet viele Vorteile in Bezug auf Isolation, Abhängigkeitsmanagement und die Laufzeitumgebung einer Applikation. Für den professionellen Betrieb der Services benötigt man jedoch noch ein weiteres Werkzeug, das uns in den Bereichen Lastverteilung, Service Discovery, Speicherverwaltung und Ausfallsicherheit unterstützt: Kubernetes hat sich als führender Containerorchestrator durchgesetzt. Dieser Artikel zeigt, was man als ASP.NET-Core-Entwickler unternehmen muss, um seine Applikationen in Kubernetes zum Laufen zu bringen.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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